Ekosistem je dinamičen kompleks skupnosti rastlin, živali in mikroorganizmov (biota – glej [[:sl:wiki:biomass_alpes|biomasa]]), ki v interakciji z neživim okoljem (abiota – [[:sl:wiki:abiotic_processes_alpes|abiotski procesi]], [[:sl:wiki:abiotic_services_alpes|abiotske storitve]]) ustvarjajo funkcionalno enoto” (Maes et al. 2014; Reid 2005)((Maes, J.; Teller, A.; Erhard, M.; Murphy, P.; Paracchini, M. L.; Barredo, J. I. et al. (2014): Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services. Indicators for ecosystem assessments under action 5 of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 : 2nd report - final, February 2014. Luxembourg: Publications Office (Technical Report, 2014-080).)) ((Reid, W. V. (Ed.) (2005): Ecosystems and human well-being. Synthesis; a report of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, MEA - Millennium Ecosystem Assessment & WRI - World Resources Institute. Washington, DC.)) . Tudi človek je, kjer je prisoten, del ekosistemov (Harrington et al. 2010). Glej tudi [[:sl:wiki:ecosystem_and_ecosystem_services|Ekosistem]]. ~~DISCUSSION~~{{tag> "AlpES_project"}}