====== Ocenjevanje ekosistemov ====== Ocenjevanje ekosistemov je "socialni proces, skozi katerega znanost ugotavlja vzroke spreminjanja ekosistemov, njihove vplive na človekovo blaginjo ter upravljanje in politiko, ki so potrebne za nosilce odločanja" (Maes et al. 2014; UK National Ecosystem Assessment 2011) ((Maes, J.; Teller, A.; Erhard, M.; Murphy, P.; Paracchini, M. L.; Barredo, J. I. et al. (2014): Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services. Indicators for ecosystem assessments under action 5 of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 : 2nd report - final, February 2014. Luxembourg: Publications Office (Technical Report, 2014-080).)) ((UK National Ecosystem Assessment (Ed.) (2011): Technical Report (Glossary).)) . ~~DISCUSSION~~{{tag> "AlpES_project"}}