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The second part refines the biomass productivity according to region-specific precipitation patterns (steps 3 to 7) and local small-scale topographic conditions (steps 8 to 10), in order to provide more reliable **local yield estimates ** (ES status). **Figure 1 **describes in detail the calculation procedure to derive the Supply (DM kg/ha) for each local administrative units (LAU2) of the Alpine Space. ==== Input data ==== * DEM (slope, aspect) * Precipitation (in mm) * Climate Data (number of Vegetation days, start of growing season) * Land use types (intensively used, moderately used and extensively used grassland, Natural Grassland (CLC)…) ==== Calculation processes ==== **(1) Calculate Vegetation Days** (days with// T//mean≥ 5 C) The approach is based on the assumption that biomass production does not start if the daily average temperature is below 5°C, hence the year is divided into a growing season and a dormant season. **(2) Calculate Optimal Yield** __This is done __according to the productivity type of the grassland types of your study area. In the table below you find the factors we used for the Alpine-wide approach according to the dataset we had at our disposal. | \\ **Land use type**| \\ **Productivity type**| | \\ Permanent Grassland| \\ 4| | \\ Natural Grassland (CLC)| \\ 3| | \\ Natural Grassland (HRL)| \\ 3| | \\ Bogs| \\ 2| | \\ Dwarf bushes| \\ 2| | \\ Larch meadows| \\ 1| | \\ Alpine grasses| \\ 1| The **optimal yield** is then derived using the following functions, where x is the number of vegetation days. | \\ Forage type| \\ Yield function (dt/ha)| | \\ 4| \\ y=(0.0021*(x²))-(0.419*x)+93.774| | \\ 3| \\ y=(0.0007*(x²))-(0.1513*x)+26.585| | \\ 2| \\ y=(0.0006*(x²))-(0.1613*x)+25.321| | \\ 1| \\ y=(-0.00007*(x²))+(0.1084*x)-4.7726| //(Figure 1: Yield calculations Source: Egger, G., et al.// //(2004). GIS-gestützte Ertragsmodellierung zur Optimierung des Weidemanagements auf Almweiden.// //Irdning, Irdning: BAL. Modified by Jaeger and Tasser)// **(5) Indicate Growing ****Season****Start**** and End** in days of the year (DOY)If no specific data is available for your test region, you can use a DEM-based method (i.e. Krautzer et. al. 2012) to approximate the start of the growing-season. * **(3) Calculate start of growing season based on DEM** (DOY). Here the example function we used for the entire Alpine space:[(0.0689*DEM)+0.4444] * **(4) Calculate end of growing season. **Start of Growing Season + Vegetation Days (in DOY). **(6) Calculate average precipitation needed during growing season** * Sum the average precipitation data for the growing season (in mm). **(7) Optimizing (reducing) regional yield by applying a correction factor if precipitation during the growing season is below a certain threshold** * precipitation sums (in mm) in vegetation season are lower than (Vegetation days * 3.33) **then** the regional yield (unit: dt) ⇒ regional yield =[(Precipitation in growing season (in mm) / Vegetation days * 3.33) * optimal yield] * **else** use optimal yield. **(8) Calculate slope yield** * Calculate the yield reduction caused by slope because of radiation reduction* the slope is > 10, **then** use the following formula [(1- (Slope/ 100)) * regional yield], **else** keep the regional yield value. **(9) Reclassify **the “Aspect raster” to “Aspect modified” in preparation of step (10) * For the purposes of the model, simplified aspect values are required that account for losses caused by radiation decrease due to unfavorable exposition. Only values between 0° (north) – 180° (south) are valid inputs, where 90° refers to both east and west exposition. The reduction factors range between 0% and 20%, respectively for southerly and northerly facing slopes. We applied a linear distribution of the **reduction factor** from south to north.* Hence, first aspect values have to be reclassified and inverted using the following formula: **//aspect_recl =//**//**180 - (180 - (Aspect - 180)** // * And second, this raster has to be multiplied with its specific **reduction factor**. **//Aspect modified = aspect_recl * reduction factor//** The result is the layer **„Aspect modified“** with cell values ranging from 0 (for southern faced slopes) up to 20 (for northern faced slopes). **(10) Calculate local yield** * In the final step local yield is calculated without the losses caused by exposition:* the Annual Precipitation <= 1500 mm **then** use the following formula: [(100 - (Aspect modified / 2)) / 100) * Slope Yield] **else** this other formula [((100 – Aspect modified) / 100) * Slope Yield)]. __References:__ __Krautzer, Bernhard, Christian Uhlig, and Helmut Wittmann. "Restoration of Arctic–Alpine Ecosystems."Restoration Ecology: The New Frontier 189 (2012)__ __Egger, G., et al. (2004). GIS-gestützte Ertragsmodellierung zur Optimierung des Weidemanagements auf Almweiden.Irdning, Irdning: BAL. modified by Jaeger and Tasser et al.__ __Urthaler, K. (2016). Modellierung und Validierung des landwirtschaftlichen Ertrages der Grünlandflächen Südtirols. Institut für Ökologie. Innsbruck, Leopold Franzens Universität. Master of Science__ \\