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Territorial projects and project territories in France

In France, a project territory (territoire de projet) is defined as “economic, social and physical space on which a territorial project is developed. Institutionally organized, it is able to bring together and contractualize with planning and development authorities on a global project. This notions concerns agglomerations, national parks, regional nature parks, and city networks” (defintion based on the association Entreprises Territoires et Développement).

Article 2 of the Voynet Law of 25 June 1999 states that planning policy and sustainable development planning is based on a number of strategic choices. Territorial projects (Projets de territoire) shall deliver local development through its organization in the context of employment areas and based on complementarity and solidarity between rural and urban areas. They allow, in regions of particular geographical, historical, cultural, economic and social cohesion, for mobilizing the regions' local potentials and resources, building up on strong inter-municipal cooperation, initiatives and the participation of local actors.

Source: Wikipedia (FR)