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Table of Contents

Fuel wood - Flow

General description

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Not all forests can be managed equally: accessibility (infrastructure) and technical feasibility (due to topography) play a crucial role in sustainable forest management. Hence, this indicator reflects the timber removals for fuel wood production considering both the forest accessibility (based on the OSM layer) and topographical site condition (slope angle from DEM). Data for timber removals are taken from national forestry inventories. Flowchart below describes in detail the calculation procedure to derive the amount of fuelwood (m³/ha/year) produced per local administrative units (LAU2) of the Alpine Space.</font>

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>The procedure consists of two main parts:</font>

Input data

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>GIS-Data</font>

Source: http://download.geofabrik.de/. The roads classified as “bridleway”, “service”, “track”, “track_grade1”, “track_grade2”, “track_grade3”, “track_grade4”, “track_grade5”, “unclassified” and “unknown” are used.

Source: http://land.copernicus.eu/. Pixels with a density between 30-100% are used; forest in agricultural and urban areas is removed.


Source: http://www.eurogeographics.org/products-and-services/euroboundarymap; version 10.

-Germany: Growing regions

Source: https://gdi.thuenen.de/wo/wgwb/

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>-Switzerland: Production regions</font>*

-France: Nuts 2

Source: http://www.eurogeographics.org/products-and-services/euroboundarymap

-Italy: Nuts 2


-Liechtenstein: Nuts 2

Source: http://www.eurogeographics.org/products-and-services/euroboundarymap

-Austria: “Bezirke”

Source: http://data.opendataportal.at/dataset/geojson-daten-osterreich

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>-Slovenia: Forest regions (dataset provided by the Slovenian Forest Institute)</font>

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Statistical data</font><font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>:</font>

Source: Forest inventories of single countries

Source: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Wood_products_-_production_and_trade


Calculation processes

(1) Calculation of the slope angle of accessible forest:Forested areas within the maximum access distance from forest roads are extracted from the original forest layer and their slope is calculated (in %) The 200m serve as a threshold, all pixels that are further away from the street are not considered in the following calculation.

(2) Calculation of access distance: Based on Clouet & Berger (2009), the maximum distance from which every pixel (extracted in Step 1) can be accessed, due to its topographic conditions, is calculated. The access distance of a pixel can be lower than the actual distance from the street and therefore, all pixels that are further away from the road than their access distance are removed.

(3) Disaggregation of statistical data to LAU2 level:The data about the production of roundwood is disaggregated to LAU2 level via the share of accessible forest in every LAU2.

statistical data about fellings/accessible forest in region = average fellings per unit of accessible forest

average felling*accessible forest in LAU= LAU fellings

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Dividing the statistical data by the accessible forest area in each region gives an average value of the produced roundwood per accessible forest for each region. For all LAUs in the region, this average value is multiplied with the total accessible forest area of the LAU2. The result is the amount of roundwood that is produced in the LAU2.</font>

(4) Calculation of fuelwood production: With statistical data about the share of roundwood that is transformed into fuelwood, the amount of fuelwood that is produced in every LAU2 is estimated.



<font 12px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>References:</font>

<font 12px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Clouet, N.; Berger, F. (2009): Modélisation des surfaces débardables au tracteur forestier en zone de montagne. SIG 2009. Confeérence Francophone ESRI</font>