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- lso browse articles by topic using the [[:wiki:taglist|]]. | ^ SMART ALTITUDE – Alpine winter tourism
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- he Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) approach lists them in a separate category alongside the provis
- Economia verde @it:wiki
- ingegneri, meccanici, designer di prodotti, specialisti del riciclaggio possono ottenere nuove opportuni
- Abiotic Services @wiki
- for a common understanding on Ecosystem Services” lists examples on abiotic outputs relevant for the Alp
- athematical operations and their explanations are listed [[:wiki:smartaltitude_webgis_calc_operators_fun... g on “Create layer”, the new layer appears and is listed in the layer list. Now she can continue with further styling of the map. Ms. Curious uses the municip... n the municipality. **Style your new map**: The listed layers, which are required for Ms. Curious map,
- ) are available for the living labs. The complete list is given [[:wiki:smartaltitude_webgis_layers|here... ough typing the desired operation. For a complete list of all possible operators and functions, look [[:... er”. Ms. Curious finds her new layer in the layer list, where she can edit the appearance of her own lay
- g and interpretation purposes. All other datasets listed below can be used as additional information, fo... ase values for all key performance indicators are listed for the selected living lab (here Les Orres in ... box” which layers are activated. These layers are listed in the same order like in the “Layer properties
- Hypothesis: Resource efficient economies become economically competitive and implement sustainable structures @wiki
- Hypothesis: Public services are under pressure and cuts will particularly affect small and isolated mountain communities @wiki
- Hypothesis: High mobility level punctually triggers economic growth and at the same time aggravates spatial disparities @wiki
- Hypothesis: Economic valorisation of natural resources and ecosystem services initiates new compensations schemes @wiki
- Hypothesis: Cross-sectoral and integrated approaches are needed to slow down impacts in rural areas @wiki
- Hypothesis: Coordination of sector policies to prevent exploitation of natural resources and single-sector economies @wiki
- Hypothesis: Changes in energy sector requires more energy efficiency and causes land use changes @wiki
- Hypothesis: Value creation in the primary sector generates payment schemes and opportunities for regional economic development @wiki