Fulltext results:
- How to add my project in the wiki @wiki
- oject partners** The next step is to insert the list of project partners in the wiki. First of all the... ing has to be inserted: {{:wiki:project_partner_list_.jpg?0|}}\\ If the codes before the information ... ords and topics. This section will also contain a list of those project which share the same hypothesis,... ur project can be selected from the corresponding list: * List of hypotheses: [[wiki:list_of_hypothesis|
- Symbolic Alpine plants and animals, landscapes- Supply @wiki
- ., 2008a) was downloaded from [[http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/42397/0|http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/42397/0]] and converted to a raster map. The val... ., 2008b) was downloaded from [[http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/39255/0|http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/39255/0]] and converted to a raster map. The val
- Screening @wiki
- ource Efficient Europe. COM(2011) 571 final.]] [[List of Hypothesis|List of hypotheses]] === Transnational Topics of Sustainable Spatial Development === In ... in a grouping to CEMAT’s 10 main principles: [[List of topics]] ===Keywords=== [[List of keywords]] ===List of projects=== [[wiki:selectedprojects|List
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- supports ordered and unordered lists. To create a list item, indent your text by two spaces and use a ''... lists or a ''-'' for ordered ones. * This is a list * The second item * You may have different levels * Another item - The same list but ordered - Another item - Just use inden... deeper levels - That's it <code> * This is a list * The second item * You may have different
- Overall WIKIALPS explanation @wiki
- ource Efficient Europe. COM(2011) 571 final.]] [[List of Hypothesis]] == Transnational Topics ... in a grouping to CEMAT’s 10 main principles: [[LIST OF TOPICS]] == Keywords== [[LIST OF KEYWORDS]] == List of Projects== WIKIAlps uses the results from the following previous proj
- DokuWiki @wiki
- **About DokuWiki** * [[doku>features|A feature list]] :!: * [[doku>users|Happy Users]] * [[doku>p... bscribe to the newsletter]] :!: * [[doku>mailinglist|Join the mailing list]] * [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org|Check out the user forum]] * [[doku>irc|Talk... me for help and support -- use the [[doku>mailinglist]] or [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org|forum]] instead
- internaltagtest @wiki
- [[wiki:tagVariant1|Variant 1: List of tags, maintained manually]] ---- [[wiki:tagVariant2|Variant 2: Table of all tags, automatic list]] ---- [[wiki:tagVariant3|Variant 3: List of tags with links to tagged pages, maintained manually: ]] **[[wiki:taglist|Variant 3 with tags currently used in the wiki]]*
- MANFRED @wiki
- ring [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBSgbaQaKJk&list=PL5A6518C39AE4DDB8&index=26| EN short]] [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=froXk82B4K0&list=PL5A6518C39AE4DDB8&index=35| FR short]] [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUAwmP8BsuM&list=PL5A6518C39AE4DDB8&index=37| EN Long Part 1]] [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_IRObtY52M&list=PL5A6518C39AE4DDB8&index=36| EN Long Part 2]]|[[B
- Methods @wiki
- ource Efficient Europe. COM(2011) 571 final.]] [[List of Hypothesis]] ===Topics=== The list of topics is based in the following two documents and adjusted ... patial Planning and Sustainable Development]] [[List of Topics]] ===Alpine Space Keywords=== [[List of Keywords]]
- List of Keywords @wiki
- ===== List of Keywords ===== === List of ASP Keywords === These keywords are provided by the [[http://www.alpine-... hip]] * [[water management]] </columns> === List of Output Keywords === These keywords are based o
- Template for adding a new project to WIKIAlps @wiki
- in the editing bar. - Please select the [[wiki:list_of_hypothesis|hypotheses]], [[wiki:list_of_keywords|keywords]] and [[wiki:list_of_topics|topics]] that describe your project and add them to th
- Outdoor recreation activities- Supply @wiki
- rrero J (2008b) Rupicapra rupicapra. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T39255A10179647 [[h... e Smet K, Cuzin F (2008) Capra ibex. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T42397A10695445.[[h... 017 Bilz M (2013) Gentiana acaulis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013: e.T203217A2762385. [[
- Risk management / prevention @wiki
- nal Organization for Standardization]] provides a list in order of preference on how to deal with risk (... ], [[Permanet]], [[Sedalp]], [[Start it up]] \\ -> go to the [[wiki:list_of_keywords|list of keywords]]
- Project Analysis @wiki
- able issues are addressed (related to our [[:wiki:list_of_hypothesis|hypotheses]]) * [[:wiki:list_of_keywords|Keywords]] marking projects or parts of projects * Core [[:wiki:list_of_topics|topics]] addressed by the projects *
- SHARE @wiki
- oads/tx_txrunningprojects/SHARE_Vulnerabilty_checklist.xlsx|vulnerability checklist]]|[[Methodology]]|EN|Civil servants / administration; specific institution... in relation to hydropower exploitation. The checklist is available in Excel format to allow a vulnerabi
- Hypothesis: Changes in energy sector requires more energy efficiency and causes land use changes @wiki
- Hypothesis: Coordination of sector policies to prevent exploitation of natural resources and single-sector economies @wiki
- Hypothesis: Cross-sectoral and integrated approaches are needed to slow down impacts in rural areas @wiki
- Hypothesis: Economic valorisation of natural resources and ecosystem services initiates new compensations schemes @wiki
- Hypothesis: High mobility level punctually triggers economic growth and at the same time aggravates spatial disparities @wiki
- IRSTEA - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture @wiki
- Hypothesis: Public services are under pressure and cuts will particularly affect small and isolated mountain communities @wiki
- Hypothesis: Resource efficient economies become economically competitive and implement sustainable structures @wiki