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wiki:aim [2014/07/24 08:44] magdalenawwiki:aim [2017/03/23 14:05] (current) apolderman
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 //Alpine space In Movement, targeted to water & energy capitalization// //Alpine space In Movement, targeted to water & energy capitalization//
-  * AS priority area: Environment and Risk Prevention+   * AS priority area: Environment and Risk Prevention
   * Duration: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2014   * Duration: 01/10/2013 - 31/12/2014
   * [[|Project webpage]]   * [[|Project webpage]]
-  * [[| Project on the website of the Alpine Space Programme]]+  * [[|Project on the website of the Alpine Space Programme]]
 === Project partners === === Project partners ===
-  * **Lead partner**: [[|Research on Energy Systems – RSE S.p.A.]] (IT) ** Contact person:** Maximo Aurelio Peviani, Tel.: +39 02 3992 4567, maximo.peviani[at] + 
-  * [[|Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management, Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment, University of Natural Resources and Life]] (AT) **Contact person:** Rafaela Schinegger, Tel.: +43 147 654 5223, rafaela.schinegger[at]  +  * **Lead partner**: [[|Research on Energy Systems – RSE S.p.A.]] (IT) ** Contact person:**  Maximo Aurelio Peviani, Tel.: +39 02 3992 4567, maximo.peviani[at] 
-  * [[|Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia]] (SI) **Contact person:** Aleš Bizjak, Tel.: +38 614 775 333, ales.bizjak[at] +  * [[|Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management, Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment, University of Natural Resources and Life]] (AT) **Contact person:**  Rafaela Schinegger, Tel.: +43 147 654 5223, rafaela.schinegger[at] 
-  * [[|European Association of elected representatives from mountain regions]] (FR) **Contact person:** Christoph Maier, Tel.: +33 479 714 230, christoph.maier[at]  * [[|Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia]] (SI) **Contact person:**  Aleš Bizjak, Tel.: +38 614 775 333, ales.bizjak[at] 
 +  * [[|European Association of elected representatives from mountain regions]] (FR) **Contact person:**  Christoph Maier, Tel.: +33 479 714 230, christoph.maier[at]
 === Project summary === === Project summary ===
-The project Alpine space In Movement (AIM) aims at becoming a “megaphone” of the Alpine Space Programme (ASP) projects active in the field of water & renewable energy. AIM will capitalise on the achievements of the numerous ASP projects dedicated to the promotion of energy production from renewables and on the optimization of water resource exploitation. The importance of the issue was highlighted  by the EU directive on renewable energy sources (RES-E Directive) and by the EU Water Framework Directive. AIM will focus more specifically on the hydropower generation and the preservation of natural ecosystems. Indeed while hydropower is the most important renewable energy in the alpine areas, it can also negatively impact the environment. Specific dissemination actions (seminars involving key stakeholders of target groups, web communication, publications, etc.) are foreseen and will address in priority  the relevant  actors at EU, national and regional policy level. 
 +The project Alpine space In Movement (AIM) aims at becoming a “megaphone” of the Alpine Space Programme (ASP) projects active in the field of water & renewable energy. AIM will capitalise on the achievements of the numerous ASP projects dedicated to the promotion of energy production from renewables and on the optimization of water resource exploitation. The importance of the issue was highlighted by the EU directive on renewable energy sources (RES-E Directive) and by the EU Water Framework Directive. AIM will focus more specifically on the hydropower generation and the preservation of natural ecosystems. Indeed while hydropower is the most important renewable energy in the alpine areas, it can also negatively impact the environment. Specific dissemination actions (seminars involving key stakeholders of target groups, web communication, publications, etc.) are foreseen and will address in priority the relevant actors at EU, national and regional policy level.
 === Hypotheses === === Hypotheses ===
-  * [[Alps are a hotspot for maintaining and restoring ecosystem services]]+ 
 +  * [[:wiki:alps_are_a_hotspot_for_maintaining_and_restoring_ecosystem_services|Alps are a hotspot for maintaining and restoring ecosystem services]]
 === Keywords === === Keywords ===
-  * [[renewable energies]] + 
-  * [[water management]] +  * [[:wiki:renewable_energies|renewable energies]] 
-  * [[environmental policy / legislation]]  +  * [[:wiki:water_management|water management]] 
-  * [[risk management / prevention]]+  * [[:environmental_policy:legislation|legislation]] 
 +  * [[:risk_management:prevention|prevention]]
 === Topics === === Topics ===
-  * [[Safe development of energy resources]] 
 +  * [[:wiki:safe_development_of_energy_resources|Safe development of energy resources]]
 === Results === === Results ===
-[[Results]] of a project can be differentiated in [[wiki:results#outputs|outputs]], [[wiki:results#outcomes and impacts|outcomes and impacts]] of an intervention. Source:[[|OECD Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management]].+ 
 +[[:wiki:results|Results]] of a project can be differentiated in [[:wiki:results#outputs|outputs]], [[:wiki:results#outcomes_and_impacts|outcomes and impacts]] of an intervention. Source:[[|OECD Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management]].
 == Outputs == == Outputs ==
-^ Output^ Category^Language(s)^Target group^Remark            ^ +^Output^Category^Language(s)^Target group^Remark  | 
-|[[|Brochure, flyer and project presentation]]|[[Other]]| EN | Policy maker; civil servants / administration; Planner; Scientists; Specific institutions; Civil society / citizen |Currently available outputs and results|+|[[|Brochure, flyer and project presentation]]|[[:wiki:other|Other]]|EN|Policy maker; civil servants / administration; Planner; Scientists; Specific institutions; Civil society / citizen|Currently available outputs and results|
 == Outcomes and Impacts == == Outcomes and Impacts ==
-Unlike project outputs, outcomes and results cannot be described in a standardised way. Therefore, they are listed as free text:\\  
-//<to be filled in>// 
 +Unlike project outputs, outcomes and results cannot be described in a standardised way. Therefore, they are listed as free text: \\ //<to be filled in>//
 === Accessibility of project results === === Accessibility of project results ===
-  * [[|AIM outputs on the website of the Alpine Space Programme]] + 
 +  * [[|AIM outputs on the website of the Alpine Space Programme]] 
 +{{tag>"renewable energies" "water management" "environmental policy" "legislation" "risk management" "prevention" "EU project"}} 
-{{tag>"renewable energies" "water management" "environmental policy" "legislation" "risk management" "prevention"}} 
wiki/aim.1406184272.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/24 08:44 by magdalenaw