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Platform to Form Opinions Related to Mobility

Project Partners

Project summary

“PLATFORM aims at integrating social sustainability into infrastructure planning decision making, considering community needs, equitable accessibility and polycentric design that enhances social participation. As EU policies underline, social impacts and interests of local authorities and civil society affected by a common project should be taken into account to prevent conflicts. In this policy framework, PLATFORM fits between a strategic development and the exploration, as the awareness needs to be aroused and new methodologies and tools developed, to pursue a bottom-up driven approach. The main output will be a transnational awareness platform, developed and presented in a final meeting and exhibition (ME/EX) showing in an inclusive and interactive way project results and developed tools, i.e. didactic tools, seminars/webinars and proposals for the future, also available in a support documentation. The platform will therefore have a physical product and be a discussion virtual place.”
Source: Plat.f.o.r.m. project summary





Results of a project can be differentiated in outputs, outcomes and impacts of an intervention. Source:OECD Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management.

Output CategoryLanguage(s)Target groupRemark
Awareness PlatformNetwork EN Civil society / citizen, The virtual platform is designed as an interactive environment to share ideas, opinions and data on sustainable transport and mobility. It is the place where results and achievements will be displayed and made available for further analysis and discussion. The virtual platform thus becomes the basis to establish a “permanent forum” where discussion and idea continue to be shared beyond the duration of the project.
Outcomes and Impacts

Unlike project outputs, outcomes and results cannot be described in a standardised way. Therefore, they are listed as free text:
not yet available

Accessibility of project results