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wiki:webgis_calc_operators_functions [2018/09/16 00:19] andiwiki:webgis_calc_operators_functions [2018/09/16 00:34] (current) andi
Line 11: Line 11:
 |/|division (integer division - truncates the result) - 0 as argument not allowed|5 / 2|2| |/|division (integer division - truncates the result) - 0 as argument not allowed|5 / 2|2|
 |%|modulo (remainder of division) - 0 as argument not allowed|5 % 2|1| |%|modulo (remainder of division) - 0 as argument not allowed|5 % 2|1|
-||exponentiation (associates left to right)|2 3|8| +|/\|exponentiation (associates left to right)|2 /\ 3|8| 
-|/|square root - negative argument not allowed|/ 25|5| +|I/|square root - negative argument not allowed|/ 25|5| 
-|/|cube root - negative argument not allowed|/ 27|3|+|II/|cube root - negative argument not allowed|/ 27|3|
 |@|absolute value|@ -2.42|2.42| |@|absolute value|@ -2.42|2.42|
Line 22: Line 22:
 |cbrt(x)|cube root|cbrt(27.0)|3| |cbrt(x)|cube root|cbrt(27.0)|3|
 |ceil(x)|nearest integer greater than or equal to argument|ceil(-42.8)|-42| |ceil(x)|nearest integer greater than or equal to argument|ceil(-42.8)|-42|
-|degrees(x)|radians to degrees|degrees(0.5)|28.64...|+|degrees(x)|radians to degrees|degrees(0.5)|28.64|
 |div(y, x)|integer quotient of y/x|div(9, 4)|2| |div(y, x)|integer quotient of y/x|div(9, 4)|2|
 |floor(x)|nearest integer less than or equal to argument|floor(-42.8)|-43| |floor(x)|nearest integer less than or equal to argument|floor(-42.8)|-43|
-|ln(x)|natural logarithm - 0 as argument not allowed|ln(2.0)|0.693...|+|ln(x)|natural logarithm - 0 as argument not allowed|ln(2.0)|0.693|
 |log(x)|base 10 logarithm - 0 as argument not allowed|log(100.0)|2| |log(x)|base 10 logarithm - 0 as argument not allowed|log(100.0)|2|
 |log(b, x)|logarithm to base b|log(2.0, 64.0)|6| |log(b, x)|logarithm to base b|log(2.0, 64.0)|6|
 |mod(x, y)|remainder of y/x|mod(9, 4)|1| |mod(x, y)|remainder of y/x|mod(9, 4)|1|
-|pi()|pi constant|pi()|3.141...|+|pi()|pi constant|pi()|3.141|
 |power(x, y)|x raised to the power of y|power(9, 2)|729| |power(x, y)|x raised to the power of y|power(9, 2)|729|
-|radians(x)|degrees to radians|radians(45.0)|0.785...|+|radians(x)|degrees to radians|radians(45.0)|0.785|
 |round(x)|round to nearest integer|round(42.4)|42| |round(x)|round to nearest integer|round(42.4)|42|
 |round(x, y)|round to y decimal places|round(32.36, 1)|32.4| |round(x, y)|round to y decimal places|round(32.36, 1)|32.4|
 |sign(x)|sign of the argument (-1, 0, +1)|sign(-4.1)|-1| |sign(x)|sign of the argument (-1, 0, +1)|sign(-4.1)|-1|
-|sqrt(x)|square root, same as operator |/  - negative argument not allowed|sqrt(2.0)|1.414...|+|sqrt(x)|square root, same as operator I\ - negative argument not allowed|sqrt(2.0)|1.414|
 |trunc(x)|truncate toward zero|trunc(42.8)|42| |trunc(x)|truncate toward zero|trunc(42.8)|42|
 |trunc(x, y)|truncate to y decimal places|trunc(42.43, 1)|42.4| |trunc(x, y)|truncate to y decimal places|trunc(42.43, 1)|42.4|
wiki/webgis_calc_operators_functions.1537049996.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/16 00:19 by andi