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Alpine Forest FIre waRning System

Project Partners

Project summary

“The project ALP FFIRS aims to improve forest fire prevention in the Alpine Space with the creation of a shared warning system based on weather condition affecting fire potential. The main goal is the development of a decision support tool for actors involved in forest fire prevention and suppression, consisting in a daily fire danger level assessment and forecast to identify critical periods in advance of their potential occurrence. Major target is the univocal European Forest Fire Danger Scale definition and common danger level interpretation with resulting preparedness plans and operational procedures. Mutual aid in vigilance and extinction procedures will be defined. An Alpine network on forest fire impact mitigation will be assembled reflecting common political strategy in prevention management, also in relation to climate change affecting fire potential. The project allows modulation and coordination of alerting process and means dislocation in different countries as well as mutual aid protocol adoption.” Source: ALP FFIRS project summary





Results of a project can be differentiated in outputs, outcomes and impacts of an intervention. Source:OECD Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management.

Output CategoryLanguage(s)Target groupRemark
Unique shared Alpine Forest Fire Danger Scale Indicator SI, IT, FR, EN, DE, CH Decision makers, Civil servants / administration, Planners, Scientists, Specific institutions, Civil society / citizen, Project stakeholders Definition of an single fire danger scale in Alpine Space
Final BookletReport SI IT EN DE Decision makers, Civil servants / administration, Planners, Scientists, Specific institutions, Civil society / citizen, Project stakeholders, JTS Includes main results of the project: common system for forest fire danger rating and warning in the Alps, regional climate scenarios and statistical study about
Alpine Forest Fire Glossary Part 1 Part 2Guidelines EN, FR, IT, DE, SI Decision makers, Civil servants / administration, Planners, Scientists, Specific institutions, Civil society / citizen, Project stakeholders, JTS Includes terms about forest fire, both technical and generic terms also about different field connected with forest fire, as meteorology, divided for thematic
ALPFFIRS Recommendations(Policy) Recommendations IT, EN, SI, DE, FR Decision makers, Civil servants / administration, Planners, Specific institutions, Civil society / citizen, Project stakeholders Institutional reccomendations
Analysis of case studiesAnalysis & Data EN Decision makers, Civil servants / administration, Planners, Scientists, Specific institutions, Civil society / citizen, Project stakeholders, JTS During the project, the case studies concerning signifi cant fi res were described using a standard card, derived from the Fire Paradox and MANFRED projects
ALPFFIRS BrochurePublic relation SI IT FR EN DE Decision makers, Civil servants / administration, Planners, Scientists, Specific institutions, Civil society / citizen, Project stakeholders, JTS A synthesis of the project and main results
Children TaleEducational material EN, IT Civil servants / administration, Specific institutions, Civil society / citizen An education story for children, to help them understand how important and valuable is the natural environment
Projection of fire potential to future climate scenarios in the Alpine areaMethodology/implementation plan EN Scientists Scientific paper with methodological considerations
Statistical description of the datasets : weatherIndicator EN Scientists Fire weather indice
Fire conditions Weather indexIndicator EN Scientists Relationships on fires occurrences and burnt areas to weather indices were studied for a period of 1995-2009
Wildfires in the Alpine region: first results from the ALP FFIRS projectConference proceedings EN Scientists Paper for 5th International Wildland Fire Conference (South Africa) summarizing the firs results of the project
Potential Fire Intensities in the Alpine Region based on characteristic fuels in Austria and ItalyConference proceedings EN Scientists Fire intensities custom fuel models of vegetation types, with special importance to local fire managers
Climate change impact on meteorological forest fire danger in the Alpine regionConference proceedings EN Scientists Paper for European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011
Regional climate model downscaling with Multimodel SuperEnsemble in the Alpine area and wildfire potential evaluation in the scenarioConference proceedings EN Scientists Paper for European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011
Climate change impacts on forest fires in the Alpine regionConference proceedings EN Scientists Paper for VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research 2010
Outcomes and Impacts

Unlike project outputs, outcomes and results cannot be described in a standardised way. Therefore, they are listed as free text:
<to be filled in>


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