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Added values of transnational spatial development

If there are regional or national solutions already in existence, which added value could be expected from a transnational approach of spatial development? Or may be in some cases there is only a transnational solution possible?

The documents have been analysed in the WIKIAlps project used the key words (which have been grouped in categories) which have been assigned to the documents. Following the assigned categories main added values of projects are expected in the fields of

  • management of natural resources and ecosystms
  • strategy development and implementation
  • transport and accessibility
  • competetiveness

The following chart provides an overview over aspects of added-value of transnational spatial development identified in the document analysis:

wiki/added_values_of_transnational_spatial_development.1418669233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/15 19:47 by florianl