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AlpES Project

The AlpES project title comes from “Alpine Ecosystem Services”, and as such, is focused on the understanding and mapping ecosystem services (ES) in the Alpine Space, and then better integrating the concept of ES and project findings with policy in the region.

Aims and Activities

Different key actors from the Alpine Space will be involved in the project development. In close collaboration with stakeholders AlpES will:

  1. develop an Alpine ecosystem services concept,
  2. carry out a mapping and assessment of ecosystem services for the Alpine Space area including field testing in selected study regions across the Alpine Space,
  3. provide stakeholders with the results through an interactive web GIS, and
  4. ensure a multi-level and cross-sectoral transfer of AlpES results to a maximum number of stakeholders via a suite of innovative, tailored and transferable learning tools and targeted activities.

Work Packages

For a detailed account of project work packages, please visit the project work package page.

Project Partners

The AlpES project is carried out by a strong partnership of ten partners from six Alpine countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein and Slovenia ). The project partners have various backgrounds, ranging from public research institutes, a private planning and consultancy agency, to public authorities, ensuring access to a wide variety of stakeholders. The project partners are supported by twenty observers with strong interest in ecosystem services in the Alpine space.

  • EURAC | European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano
  • UIBK | University of Innsbruck
  • IGF/ÖAW | The Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • CEREMA | Centre For Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility, and Urban and Country planning
  • FondMS | Safe Mountain Foundation
  • VR | Veneto Region
  • PiemR | Piedmont Region
  • IRSNC | The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for nature conservation
  • Office of Environment |Principality of Liechtenstein
  • Ifuplan |Institute for Environmental Planning and Spatial Development

For more information about project partners, and for contact information, please visit the project Partner page.

wiki/alpes.1488273255.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/28 10:14 by swilliams619