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CO2 sequestration from forest and bogs - Flow/Supply

General description

This indicator represents the annual rate of CO2 sequestration by forests at the municipal level (t CO2 ha-1 y-1 ). This value is calculated on the basis of the IPCC equations used to estimate the annual increase in biomass carbon stock due to biomass increment. This method allows above and below ground estimation of biomass increase in tonnes of carbon per year. The application of a standard constant converts the result into the amount of CO2 being sequestered. Figure 1 describes in detail the calculation procedure to derive the amount of CO2 sequestration (t CO2 ha-1 y-1 ) per local administrative units (LAU2) of the Alpine Space.

Input data

  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>DEM</font>
  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Forest Type Landcover</font>
  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Forest Biomass increment factors (above and below ground)</font>
  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Climate zones</font>

Calculation processes

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>(1) Create Forest Classification </font>

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>The classification is based on three criteria:</font>

  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Forest typology: coniferous or broadleaved</font> * <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Altitude, three classes have been taken into consideration: 0 - 600m; 600m-1200m; >1200m.</font> * <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Climatic regions: the Alpine space has been divided in different macro-climatic areas basing on different climatic classifications: the Central Alps, Northern Alps and Southern Alps.</font>

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>(2) IPCC Equations Calculation: application of the IPCC equations (2.9 and 2.10 of the IPCC guidelines, vol. 4, ch. 2, modified to obtain the results as quantity of CO2) with proper factors derived from different sources:</font>

  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Above ground biomass: Values for above ground biomass were derived from the dataset created by Busetto et al. (2014). As this dataset did not cover the entire Alpine Space, two additional methods were used to calculate these factors for the remaining area:</font>
  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Interpolation of the values: interpolation of the factor value from (Busetto et Al. 2014).</font>
  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Calculation based on factors from National Forest Inventories: application of the factors derived from the Swiss National Forest Inventory, scaled on the base of forest typology, altitude and climatic macro-area using the results from (1).</font>
  • <font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Below ground biomass: The factors to be used in the equation are derived from the Swiss National Forest Inventory and scaled based on forest typology, altitude and climatic macro-area using the results from (1).</font>

<font 14px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>(3) Calculate Forest Sequestration per Municipality: calculate statistics of the tonnes of CO2 sequestered by hectare of forest in the single municipalities using the forest area and the sum of sequestration per municipality.</font>



<font 12px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>References:</font>

<font 12px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>IPCC, (2006) IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, prepared by the national greenhouse gas inventories program, Vol. 4, Ch. 2-4, Forest Land)</font>

<font 12px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Busetto, L., J. I. Barredo, and J. San-Miguel-Ayanz. “Developing a spatially-explicit pan-European dataset of forest biomass increment.” (2014): 41-46</font>

<font 12px/inherit;;inherit;;inherit>Brändli, U.-B. (Red.) 2010: Schweizerisches Landesforstinventar. Ergebnisse der dritten Erhebung 2004–2006. Birmensdorf, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. Bern, Bundesamt für Umwelt, BAFU. Pag. 111 Tab. 094-095</font>

wiki/co2_sequestration.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/18 08:32 by sebastian