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Moreco: SWOT Analysis: Laws and Policies

Target groups
Decision makers, Civil servants/administration, Planners

Area of application
7 pilot regions in 6 countries: DE: City of Munich and Munich Transport and Tariff Association Area, AT: City of Salzburg and District Salzburg Umgebung, IT: Union of Mountain Municipalities of Pinerolese Area (Piedmont), City of Mantova and Mantova Hinterland, Val Belluna and Val Boite e Cientro Cadore, CH, FR: Alpine Corridor - Genève-Valence SI: Urban Municipality of Novo Mesto and Jugovzhodna Slovenija Statistical Region

Common objectives, guidelines and barriers are stressed that are valid for all pilot site countries/regions or even the whole AS.

Time frame
SWOT Analysis on current laws and regulation, stable in the short- or medium-term.

policies, laws / regulations, settlement development, transport and mobility, pilot site analysis

open access, but English language only

Transferability and re-usability
The SWOT analysis of laws and regulations shows the variety of instruments on national, regional and local level for sustainable mobility and also highlights threats and barriers. These common results are reusable in other projects dealing with sustainable mobility planning in the AS or in other ETC areas. Analysis method transferable.

Sector policies adressed
spatial planning, transport / mobility, regional planning

wiki/more_about_swot_laws.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/16 10:48 by dominikcs