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Report on “Integrated Energy Management” Living Lab (Madonna di Campiglio)

This report describes the interventions carried out during the Smart Altitude project in the Madonna di Campiglio Living Lab. The infrastructural characteristics of the ski resort are initially described by dividing the analysis into 4 assets: ski lifting, snow production, snow grooming, buildings. The results of the Wi-EMT audit on energy consumption and CO2 emissions are then described. The energy/environmental performance analysis was then extended by collecting further data for the 2010-2020 decade. The report is then dedicated to describing the existing monitoring systems, the innovative approach of the Smart Altitude project in monitoring and managing data, the new monitoring systems. Finally, the new monitoring platforms Grafana and ZEnergy are presented as well as the montlhy reporting on energy consumption and CO2 emission that these platforms have allowed to enable.

To read the full report, please vist the project website

wiki/report_ll_madonnadicampiglio.1624261211.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/21 09:40 by apolderman