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Directive territoriale d'aménagement et de développement durables (Territorial Planning and Sustainable Development Directive)

In France, the Directive territoriale d'aménagement et de développement durables (DTADD, formerly only DTA, changed after the Grenelle II law of July 12, 2010), is a strategic planning document at supra-regional level for medium and long term. It allows the state, for a given area, to fix obligations or a specific framework of objectives for the environment and spatial planning. It is developed under the responsibility of the State in association with local authorities and associations of municipalities concerned and approved by decree of the Council of State.

Links CERTU Spatial planning tools entry (FR) Wikipedia (FR)

wiki/territorial_directives_of_spatial_planning_directives_territoriales_d_amenagement.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/18 15:40 by dominikcs