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Work Package "Mapping & Assessment"

The AlpES project’s WP T2 aims at mapping and assessing ecosystem services. Therefore, the project team calculates ecosystem-service indicators, but also relevant sustainability indicators for the Alpine space and evaluates the results. The WPs T1 and T2 elaborate together the theoretical approach for the calculation and evaluation of the indicators. Therefore, WP T2 collects base data and prepares them for a further use. Furthermore, it collects and tests methods for the indicator calculation and the fine-tuning of the mapping approach. Finally, it maps and assesses ecosystem services in the Alpine space. WP T2 works on two spatial levels: it calculates and evaluates a set of indicators for the whole Alpine space area and focusses also on smaller test regions in the Alpine space, in which special circumstances require a more focused approach and better base data might be available. As the whole AlpES project, WP T2 is committed to collaborate closely with stakeholders and involves them actively in the project development. To achieve AlpES outputs being as practically and applicable as possible, the project partners will organize face-to-face meetings with stakeholders in order to present them the developed WP T2 indicators and collect their feedback. WP T2 hands the indicator results including meta data over to WP T3, which makes them publicly available through an interactive web GIS.

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wiki/wp_t2.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/20 15:19 by cgiuppo