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Project Partners

Project summary

“GreenALPS shapes the framework for a sustainable and efficient European nature and biodiversity conservation policy for the Alps. It relies on two key projects covering essential issues how to best conserve alpine biodiversity (ECONNECT) and how to deal with the huge demand for renewable energy related impacts on nature ( Both projects are linked and deliver(ed) essential outcomes for the future management of alpine natural assets. Nevertheless results are still too sectoral and need further efforts to reach additional key stakeholders & policy makers. A significant reduction of fragmentation of Alpine natural or semi-natural habitats is needed, calling a long-term orientated land use planning, new ways of cooperation and a precautionary approach of other key sectors The successful governance approach of pilot regions beyond protected areas will be reviewed and disseminated at the same time by capitalizing on already ongoing participatory processes in old and new PR.”(Source:





Results of a project can be differentiated in outputs, outcomes and impacts of an intervention.OECD Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management. Project outputs can generally be identified very easily. Yet, they represent only a first step towards the ultimate objective of project interventions: Initiating project-related outcomes and having true impacts on the ground.


Outputs are an immediate deliverable of a project, which result from a development intervention. They should be finalised and publicly available by the time the project terminates. Outputs comprise tangible project results such as tools, databases, executive summaries, educational material etc.

Output CategoryLanguage(s)Target groupRemark
Discussion on first resultsother EN Policy makers, civil servants / administration / planner / scientists / specific institutionsThe first results of the activities that started in September 2013, have been the object of a meeting among the project partners that took place in Vienna in early December.In particular, the partners focused on the database gathering the main results of other international projects so as to maximize them and on an investigation on the most important European policies concerning biodiversity and ecosystem services, which is already available.
Outcomes and Impacts

Outcomes are the likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention's outputs, e.g. the outcome of improved, knowledged-based decision-making processes as an effect of a knowledge database (= output) established by a project. Outcomes will in most cases not materialise before project closure.
Impacts are positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended.OECD Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management
As outcomes and impacts are difficult to differentiate, this section contains both of these types of project results.
The identification of outcomes and impacts requires a deeper insight into the respective project e.g. through project participants or direct interviews with project representatives. Outcomes and impacts are usually not solely influenced by projects, but are a complex combination of project results on the one hand and framework conditions on the other. Unlike project outputs, outcomes and results cannot be described in a standardised way. Therefore, they are listed as free text:
<to be filled in>

Accessibility of project results

wiki/greenalps.1403254531.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/20 10:55 by carolinep