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Improving urban–rural relationship and Alpine-perialpine relationship

  • Accessibility of urban systems and functions and of public services and central functions for country dwellers
  • Equivalency of living conditions and quality
  • Recognition of the interests of Alpine populations
  • Synergies and complementarity between towns
  • Revitalisation and diversification of rural economies
  • Accesssibility of recreation areas for urban dwellers while safeguarding natural and cultural heritages
  • Compensation mechanisms for Alpine services delivered to the lowlands or vice versa
  • Regulation of adverse impacts on the Alps generated outside of the Alpine Space

Projects that address this topic:

* Access * Comunis * Moreco

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wiki/improving_urban_rural_relationship_and_alpine_peri-alpine_relationship.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/23 14:20 by andreash