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WIKIAlps – the Alpine WIKI
wiki_eurac.jpgWIKIAlps: The knowledge and information platform for everyone interested in a sustainable, balanced, and shared territorial development in the Alpine Space. To start the WIKIAlps experience use the navigation menu on the left, the glossary, the tag cloud, the search function at the top of the page or surf from article to article through the links present in the different articles. You can also browse articles by topic using the taglist.
SMART ALTITUDE – Alpine winter tourism territories demonstrating an integrated framework for a low-carbon, high-impact and resilient future
This Alpine Space Project aims at enabling and accelerating the implementation of low-carbon policies in winter tourism regions. Technical solutions for the reduction of energy consumption and GHG emissions in mountain settlements relying on winter tourism today exist, with up to 40% reduction potential. However, key trade-offs are at the heart of their slow uptake: they require stronger and innovative involvement to overpass strategic (goals, priorities, risks), economic (costs, financing) and organizational (partnership, stakeholder involvement) challenges. Smart Altitude will demonstrate the efficiency of a decision support tool integrating all challenges into a step-by-step approach to energy transition by setting up a territory dashboard for measuring and visualizing energy performance, deploying integrated energy management solutions in 3 pilot ski resorts -the living labs-, creating a toolkit for planning, optimizing and implementing solutions and policies, and ensuring the replication and knowledge transfer over the Alpine Space whole territory.
From WIKIAlps' featured article
Mountain areas provide various possibilities for recreational activities like hiking, mountain biking, climbing or skiing. However, cultural ecosystem services such as outdoor recreation strongly depend on human perception and preferences and are seldom directly linked to ecological processes. Therefore, their mapping remains challenging. (Full article...) corvara.jpg
Alpine Ecosystem Services - mapping, maintenance, and management
Ecosystems and their services go beyond national borders and need a transnational approach for their dynamic protection, sustainable use, management and risk prevention. As a basis for joint action, public authorities, policy makers, NGOs, researchers and economic actors – the AlpES target groups – need a common understanding of ecosystem services, comparable information on their status and support in using appropriate tools for integrating them in their fields of work. The AlpES project’s overall objective is to introduce ecosystem services as a regional/transnational environmental governance framework (read more...).

Within the AlpES project, WIKIAlps aims to foster a common understanding of ES concepts, ES benefits and natural capital. The AlpES project partners are contributing towards this goal by making AlpES project information and results publicly available through the WIKIAlps website. By expanding the WIKIAlps with information related to the AlpES project, the website is strengthening its position as an important knowledge platform on the Alpine space…
Invitation to contribute articles on the Alpine Space
To expand and advance WIKIAlps, we’d like to invite experts on the Alpine Space to contribute their knowledge to the WIKIAlps by improving, discussing or writing articles. (Full article...)
Do you want to join us?
If you want to share your knowledge with us, please register here. To get more information read the article on how to contribute to WIKIAlps for enabling a sustainable, balanced, and shared territorial development in the Alpine Space.

start.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/11 21:30 by andi